Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers students the opportunity to take college-level courses in high school and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both at many colleges and universities. AP Examinations are available to students who complete the associated AP courses within the program. AP Examinations evaluate content mastery for the 38 course offerings within the AP program. Each AP Examination is scored on a scale of 1-5. A student taking an AP Examination may receive credit at many colleges and universities for scores of three or higher; however, each institution sets its own policies about awarding credit and placement.
Rome City Schools administers AP Examinations to students in grades 9-12 in May. The AP Examination is an assessment for course content mastery. There is a fee to take an AP Examination; however, Rome High School offers relief for some or all testing fees. Please contact Rome High School’s AP Coordinator, Mrs. Jamie Branson, about fee reduction.
Additional information may be found on the GaDOE website or the College Board website.