Print Shop Request Form

Print Shop Guidelines

To efficiently and effectively serve RCS printing needs, guidelines have been established for Print Shop services. The primary mission of the Print Shop is to provide printing support for large-volume jobs. In the interest of providing the best service in a timely manner, we ask that you observe the following guidelines:

If Possible, Print It Yourself

For print jobs that are less than 100 copies, use "in-house" copiers/printers. Small booklets can also be printed on department/division/school copiers. We can only do half-fold booklets. Trifold brochures will have to be folded "in-house". (100 Sheet Minimum Copy Requirement For All Print Shop Requests!)

Print Shop Jobs Require A Print Request Form

An electronic form is available on RCS's website. Complete and submit the Google Form. You will receive an email confirmation that your order has been submitted. If you have any questions, e-mail Allow a minimum of two weeks (10 working days) for printing jobs and 3 weeks (15 working days) for jobs requiring over 2000 copies! You will receive an email once your job has been approved for printing.

Delivery Of Completed Jobs

You will be notified when your print job is complete. All materials will be sent via RCS Courier from Central Office. The Courier picks up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.

Special Notes and Requirements

Special paper for department/division/school use is to be purchased by the department/division/school. The max print size is 13 x 19 in. Only paper can be printed on. There is no copy machine functionality; PDF files are required for printing.


For Booklets, if the total page number of the document is not divisible by four, please write in the Special Requests section of the Google Form where the blank page(s) should be (ie. outside back cover, inside back cover, inside front cover, and/or outside front cover).

Print ShopTurnaround

Print jobs will ordinarily be completed in chronological order. The Print Shop's goal is to operate with a two-week (10 working days) turnaround. Short-notice requests will disrupt this timetable. We will do our best to complete the jobs as soon as possible, but the two-week turnaround is necessary. Large jobs (over 2000 copies) require 15 days.


If you have any questions about the print request contact us at: or call 706-236-5050 Ext. 5092.


To request "stock" items (ie. tardy slips, nurse referrals, note from teacher, etc), please email with the number needed. A Google Form does not need to be submitted.